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Welcome to our Website!
In September 2019 our project was selected for the European Union co-financing for the project “Novuss – Sport for Everyone” implementation.
The project will allow the organizations to:
- develop and strengthen their cooperation;
- Increase their ability to operate transnationally;
- to exchange good practice and to bring forward ideas and methods;
- unique opportunity to introduce Novuss sports to other organizations.
Our latest news
Save the Dates – World Cup Tour 2023
15. January at FINSO conference dates of Wolrd Cup Tour 2023 has been fixed.
#2 international conference in Latvia
Second international conference in Latvia, Ventspils, 17. June. Thanks to all participants, who are investing private time as volunteers to bring Novuss sport forward.
How to play?
On this page you will find the Novuss Game Rules developed and approved for intrnational use.
- short version for beginners;
- also as youtube video;
- long version, which is used for international competitions;
- all the documents are available for download as PDF.
Where to play?
If you would like to start regular training, on this page we have summarized information about the Novuss clubs and other training sites we are aware of.
If your Novuss club is not yet included in this page and you would like to publish information about your club, do not hesitate to contact us.

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We're going live!
Our project and other activities of our international network was initially heavily affected by the restrictions due to the global corona pandemic.
In order to revive this aspect of our community, we started our virtual trainings and challenges. With live broadcasting, we bring Novuss Sport to watch and get to know within your own four walls. Our live broadcasts reached wary high interest on an international level.
You can find more information on our international homepage: